Help by Going to Washington D.C.

  1. Schedule a trip to Washington, D.C. between now and May. Allow 2 to 4 full days for appointments. Any date that is convenient. Bring the family if you want. We will meet you there.
  2. Two weeks before your trip, contact both of your senators and and your representative. Call or email each office and ask if you can meet with each them. Confirm these appointments. They will make time to meet with you. This will be a quick 2 to 5 minute meeting.
  3. In addition, call or email the offices of both senators and all the representatives from your state. Ask for the name and email address of the individual who handles patent issues for the senator/representative. If you get the name you can figure out the email address. Senate is House of Representatives is Email these contacts and ask to meet with them while you are in Washington. Most of them will agree to meet with you for 15-30 minutes to talk about patent issues.
  4. Gather materials. Your original ribbon copy patent. A physical prototype or color photo/illustration of your invention.
  5. Notify us of your itinerary then go and tell your story. They will ask you what Congress can do. Tell them what you want them to do. Ask them to co-sponser the US Inventor Act:

Keep in mind that this rarely happens that actual constituents go to Washington and it has a huge impact. One unpolished inventor can destroy the machinations of dozens of slick professional lobbyists. When you show up, they pay attention. We need to cover 535 offices from 50 states in the next 3 months. We will be there to help you when you arrive.

Help by Telling Your Story

Write your story for publication. Suggest 750 to 1,500 words. We’ll help to get it published and raise awareness of the devastation done to our patent system.

Help by Contributing $

We desperately need funds for travel, drafting legislation, amicus briefs, publicity, legal, networking, and research. A donor has generously agreed to match every dollar we raise. And one inventor dollar accomplishes more than 1,000 Google dollars. Donate at

Help by Communicating

Contact Paul Morinville at for more information or suggestions.