US Inventor Rally

White Paper: Crisis in American Innovation US Inventor Rally - August 11, 2017 at USPTO in Alexandria, VA The United States Patent System is in critical condition. The last decade of court decisions, legislation, and management have left inventors without any real protection for their inventions. Many inventors are being

The PTAB: Number One Enemy of Inventors

The PTAB: Number One Enemy of Inventors (This article first appeared on IPWatchDog) I used think that if I followed the law, applied for a patent, and that patent application was approved, then I would receive a patent that protects my invention. But U.S. patents don’t work like that anymore. They are useless

$17 million: The real and staggering cost to patent in the US in the PTAB age

$17 million: The real and staggering cost to patent in the US in the PTAB age $17 million: The real and staggering cost to patent in the US in the PTAB age, by Josh Malone Published by IPWatchdog At least $17 million. That is what my Bunch O Balloons patent has cost so far.

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