About Josh

Spokesman and advocate for independent inventors. Coordinating patent policy, legislation, amicus briefing, and public relations.

Inventor Protection Act

INVENTOR PROTECTION ACT The Inventor Protection Act restores patent protection for inventors by reversing a generation of laws, regulations, and court decisions that have discouraged innovation  by failing to secure to inventors the exclusive rights to their discoveries. Click here for printable handout Click here to find your representative TODAY’S INVENTORS – Face hundreds

PTAB Reform: An Urgent Request on Behalf of Independent Inventors

PTAB REFORM: AN URGENT REQUEST ON BEHALF OF INDEPENDENT INVENTORS By Josh Malone Published by IPWatchdog What follows is a letter on the topic of PTAB reform that will be sent to USPTO Director Andrei Iancu on Monday, May 14, 2018. The letter seeks urgent action on the Patent Trial and Appeal

PTAB Facts: An ugly picture of a tribunal run amok

PTAB FACTS: AN UGLY PICTURE OF A TRIBUNAL RUN AMOK By Gene Quinn, Steve Brachmann, Josh Malone, & Paul Morinville Published by IPWatchdog It has come to our attention that supporters of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) are claiming that the facts and figures presented in various IPWatchdog.com articles are erroneous. That

PTAB Errors Fatal to Hundreds of Legitimate Patents

PTAB ERRORS FATAL TO HUNDREDS OF LEGITIMATE PATENTS (This article first appeared on IPWatchDog) Apologists for the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), including Greene’s Energy Group and the Department of Justice continue to proffer the fallacy that the PTAB is merely “correcting” errors committed by the USPTO in issuing “bad” patents through the use of America Invents Act (AIA) post-grant

PTAB Errors Fatal to Hundreds of Legitimate Patents

PTAB ERRORS FATAL TO HUNDREDS OF LEGITIMATE PATENTS By Josh Malone & Steve Brachmann Published by IPWatchdog Apologists for the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), including Greene’s Energy Group and the Department of Justice continue to proffer the fallacy that the PTAB is merely “correcting” errors committed by the USPTO in

Will the Supreme Court continue to be influenced by patent reform?

WILL THE SUPREME COURT CONTINUE TO BE INFLUENCED BY PATENT REFORM? By Paul Morinville & Gene Quinn Published by IPWatchdog We’ve analyzed all of the Supreme Court patent related decisions since 2005 comparing them to proposed patent related legislation pending at the time of the decision. Invariably, the Supreme Court takes a

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