The Summer of 2017 was a busy time. US Inventor attended the 2017 Annual Independent Inventors Conference for inventors and entrepreneurs to learn more about intellectual property and incorporating it into business strategies.

Inventors Protesting

The Summer of 2017 was a busy time. US Inventor attended the 2017 Annual Independent Inventors Conference for inventors and entrepreneurs to learn more about intellectual property and incorporating it into business strategies.

When August hit, US Inventor sponsored a rally for inventors, practitioners, and examiners at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) headquarters on August 11, with the purpose to cure our Patent System.

The event included:

  • An invention conference hosted by the USPTO.

  • The US Inventor A1:8 Examiner awards.

  • A peaceful assembly to call out the PTAB, that administrative tribunal responsible for destroying issued patents at an 84% rate of those they have reviewed.

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