News of the Week – January 14th

News of the Week – January 14th The Federal Reserve will raise interest rates only three times this year as it faces a more subdued outlook for both the U.S. and world economies, a Reuters poll of economists found (Reuters). The point where patents may come up in the Presidential debates will

News of the Week – January 7th

News of the Week – January 7th The number of Americans filing for jobless benefits fell last week, and layoffs in December were the smallest in more than 15 years, indicating labor market strength even as economic growth appears to have slowed sharply in the fourth quarter (New York Times). Massachusetts is

Which IP Issues Ducked The Radar In 2015?

Which IP Issues Ducked The Radar In 2015? Law360 looks at what issues slid under the radar this year. Richard Baker, New England Intellectual Property LLC, writes: "The most underreported IP development in 2015 is Capitol Hill’s attitude reversal regarding patent rights. For half a decade, infringers dominated intellectual property debate, vilifying patent

News of the Week – December 17th

News of the Week – December 17th A patent owner that seeks to prevent another from infringing is NOT a bully, period. A patent owner that takes action to prevent infringement is merely protecting the property right they have been granted; a right purposefully granted by the federal government after a lengthy

News of the Week – December 10th

News of the Week – December 10th House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) says getting patent reform through the lower chamber is all about "timing" (The Hill). Mortgage rates were pushed slightly higher by last week’s strong employment report, according to the latest data released Thursday by Freddie Mac (Washington Post).

News of the Week – December 3rd

News of the Week – December 3rd U.S. services sector activity slowed in November but remained at levels consistent with a steady pace of economic growth for the fourth quarter, a business survey showed on Thursday (Reuters). Janet L. Yellen, the Federal Reserve chairwoman, told Congress that she regarded domestic economic conditions as

News of the Week – November 19th

News of the Week – November 19th Yesterday IAM held an event in Washington, DC, titled Patent Law and Policy. The first panel discussion of the day was on patent reform, taking a look at what has driven the legislative agenda over the past decade, what has been fixed, what remains to

News of the Week – November 12th

News of the Week – November 12th The “patent troll” narrative — fueled by anecdotal tales of mom-and-pop operations snared by fraudulent patent suits and the image of ugly green trolls paraded from the House floor to the White House – became the conventional wisdom on patents almost overnight. As readers of

News of the Week – October 15th

News of the Week – October 15th Federal Reserve Official William Dudley said recent data suggest the economy is slowing. Specifically, he said that inventories, dollar appreciation and sluggish global growth are holding the U.S. economy back (CNBC). Only a month ago, as Congress returned from its summer recess, both the House

News of the Week – October 8th

News of the Week – October 8th Federal Reserve officials believe the U.S. recovery will likely remain insulated from the slowdown in China that has roiled the global economy, keeping the central bank on track to begin ending its extraordinary stimulus later this year (Washington Post). The jobs report is a bit unpleasant. Employers

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