News of the Week – October 1st

News of the Week – October 1st World economic growth lost momentum in September, with China's factory output shrinking again, euro zone manufacturing growth slowing, and U.S. activity steady. The latest business surveys across Asia, Europe and the Americas paint a gloomier picture and are likely to prompt more calls for central banks

A toxic concoction of myth, media and money is killing the patent system

A toxic concoction of myth, media and money is killing the patent system In the past decade, the patent system has been turned on its head.  Inventors are now villainized as cartoon characters called patent trolls simply because they assert their hard-earned patent rights against corporations who steal their inventions.  These infringing

News of the Week – September 24th

News of the Week – September 24th The Volkswagen emissions scandal has rocked Germany's business and political establishment and analysts warn the crisis at the car maker could develop into the biggest threat to Europe's largest economy (Reuters). Stock market turmoil and a surprise currency devaluation fueled fears of a Chinese slump

News of the Week – September 17th

News of the Week – September 17th A Federal Reserve interest rate hike this week could shake markets but is likely to cause just a ripple in the solidly growing economy, analysts say (USA Today). U.S. homebuilders are feeling slightly more optimistic about the housing market, nudging their confidence this month to a

News of the Week – September 10th

News of the Week – September 10th China’s economy has been on a rollercoaster ride for the past few months, and the latest data out of the world’s second largest nation isn’t getting much better. (Fortune). atent scholars have proposed several theories to understand why SCOTUS increased its review of patent decisions.

News of the Week – September 3rd

News of the Week – September 3rd In a report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates this month, the central bank said Wednesday the U.S. economy grew a bit more slowly from early July to mid August as consumer spending accelerated but a strong dollar and low oil prices

News of the Week – August 27th

News of the Week – August 27th How and why The Economist published such complete and utter nonsense in its August 8th edition remains a mystery. It is outright false to say that patents played no role in advancement during the Industrial Revolution. It is even more ridiculous to claim patents played

Carly Fiorina on Patent Reform in Congress

Carly Fiorina on Patent Reform in Congress Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett Packard CEO, and now in the midst of challenging for the Republican Presidential nomination, spoke at the Iowa State Fair this week, specifically touching on the patent reform bill in Congress right now. She said the bill would harm the small innovator

News of the Week – August 13th

News of the Week – August 13th The U.S. economy is plodding along amid turbulence around the globe, a sign of its relative strength despite mounting questions about its long-term vitality (Wall Street Journal). The American economy delivered pretty much what was expected last month in terms of hiring, giving the Federal

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