The path to prosperity requires sound patent policy, not more patent reform

The path to prosperity requires sound patent policy, not more patent reform Iowa State Senator Jeff Danielson recently wrote a piece on patent policy Innovation is the lifeblood of a prosperous economy. Iowa’s recent economic performance, where improvements in agriculture and manufacturing have allowed us to weather the storm of a national

News of the Week – August 6th

News of the Week – August 6th Without some ability to create a barrier to entry simple laws of economics mean that if you make money there will be market entrants that seek to make money competing against you. Having a strong patent position makes it more difficult for competitors to cannibalize

News of the Week – July 30th

News of the Week - July 30th The Innovation Act poses a threat to this drug discovery process. The bill creates a host of new administrative hassles for those defending their patents in court. New legal expenses and time burdens could deter researchers from pouring funds into drug development because the patents

Unintended Consequences? U.S. Code Title 35

Unintended Consequences? U.S. Code Title 35 The proof is that inventors, the very group the American Patent System was created for, have been shut out of hearings. In the Senate, The PATENT Act got through the markup without a single inventor being allowed into a single hearing. For the House’s Innovation Act,

Debunking Lex Machina Patent Data

Debunking Lex Machina Patent Data The anti-inventor lobby conducted a panel discussion on Monday July 20 in support of H.R.9.  The crux of this panel was to show that patent litigation has increased thus it is urgent for Congress to pass H.R.9 now.  Unfortunately, the data they cite does not support their

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