H.R. 5874 Supporters


CREATING OPEN MINDS “To promote the leadership of the United States in global innovation by establishing a robust patent system that restores and protects the right of inventors to own and enforce private property rights in inventions and discoveries, and for other purposes.” H.R. 5874 the Restoring America’s Leadership in Innovation Act

Hundreds of Inventors Oppose Darrell Issa


CREATING OPEN MINDS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac nibh vestibulum, laoreet ipsum quis, vestibulum nisi. Curabitur non mi et turpis pharetra vulputate. Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac nibh vestibulum, laoreet ipsum quis, vestibulum nisi. Curabitur non mi et turpis pharetra vulputate. Cras consequat, risus

Call Issa Now


CREATING OPEN MINDS Call the number below. If you’re not sure what to say, please follow the script below as a guideline for your call. “I am against the appointment of Darrell Issa as the Chair of the IP Subcommittee. Rep. Issa has a history of supporting anti-patent legislation that has significantly

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