About Josh

Spokesman and advocate for independent inventors. Coordinating patent policy, legislation, amicus briefing, and public relations.

PTAB, Patent Trolls, Bad Patents, and Data: A Wakeup Call to AIA Apologists

PTAB, PATENT TROLLS, BAD PATENTS, AND DATA: A WAKEUP CALL TO AIA APOLOGISTS PTAB, Patent Trolls, Bad Patents, and Data Since the PTAB declared two of my Bunch O Balloons patents obvious in an institution decision earlier this year, I have visited with many lawmakers and officials to describe my ordeal: six (6)

The PTAB: Number One Enemy of Inventors

The PTAB: Number One Enemy of Inventors (This article first appeared on IPWatchDog) I used think that if I followed the law, applied for a patent, and that patent application was approved, then I would receive a patent that protects my invention. But U.S. patents don’t work like that anymore. They are useless

$17 million: The real and staggering cost to patent in the US in the PTAB age

$17 million: The real and staggering cost to patent in the US in the PTAB age $17 million: The real and staggering cost to patent in the US in the PTAB age, by Josh Malone Published by IPWatchdog At least $17 million. That is what my Bunch O Balloons patent has cost so far.

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