Call to Action


Why Calls to Action Matter

US Inventor relies on its members to amplify our voice and drive change. Our Calls to Action (CTA) are crucial in mobilizing inventors, supporters, and the public to actively engage in protecting and restoring a strong patent system.

Current calls to action


Patent Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice for Briefing Discretionary Denial Issues, and Rules for 325(d) Considerations, Instituting Parallel and Serial Petitions, and Termination Due to Settlement Agreement

(Comments are due 06/18/2024)

Your voices are crucial in shaping a fair and balanced patent system. The recent USPTO Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on PTAB Rules of Practice could significantly harm your rights and the innovation landscape. We need your support to ensure these changes promote innovation and protect inventors.

By submitting your comments, you can directly influence policies that strengthen U.S. patent rights, reduce unfair inter partes reviews (IPRs), and support the commercialization of new technologies. Your input will help create a more reliable and supportive environment for inventors, driving economic growth and returning America’s technological leadership.

Please submit a comment using this link: To view US Inventor’s comment, please view here: Please feel free to upload US Inventor’s official comment and submit it as your own or you can copy and paste our text and add your personal comments.

Example Comments:
“The PTAB has harmed inventors. I appreciate efforts to improve the PTAB, but this proposal falls significantly short of that.

As a member of US Inventor, we are key innovators who rely on strong patent rights to bring new products to market. To promote innovation and economic growth, I urge the USPTO to modify PTAB rules to reduce inter partes reviews (IPRs) that favor petitioners, thereby strengthening U.S. patent rights. Specifically, I oppose changes that ease petitioners’ challenges, advocates for limiting serial and parallel petitions, and prefers broader discretionary denial applications to protect inventors. These changes will enhance patent reliability, encouraging investment and maintaining U.S. technological leadership.”

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