US Inventor is one of the most important and effective voices for inventors in the United States.
Join Us In Our Actions
We are the LARGEST inventor organization ACTIVELY fighting to restore inventor rights stolen by Big Tech and bring back innovation to America.
We strategically DO what it takes to get things done. From meeting with legislators, to helping individual inventors. We fight to reverse the destructive decisions and restore innovation in the United States.
Advocating Pro-Inventor Legislation
US Inventor supported the introduction of, and advocated for, the bipartisan Inventor Rights Act, H.R.5478 by Representatives Danny K. Davis (D-IL) and Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (R-AZ).
The Inventor Rights Act was designed to take critical steps in strengthening U.S. patent rights, bringing justice for inventors, and promoting innovation, the very lifeblood of the American economy.
US Inventor President Randy Landreneau and Policy Director Josh Malone visited Capitol Hill extensively meeting with various legislators.

Advocating Pro-Inventor Legislation
US Inventor supported the introduction of, and advocated for, the bipartisan Inventor Rights Act, H.R.8132 by representatives Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) and Thomas Massie (R-KY).
By requiring the patent owner’s consent for a PTAB petition, the inventor’s constitutional rights to a jury trial and a day in court are restored. The Balancing Incentives Act balances the perverse incentive structure of the PTAB and will encourage PTAB to become a fair venue for all parties involved.

Advocating Pro-Inventor Legislation
US Inventor supported the introduction of, and advocated for, the bipartisan Inventor Rights Act, H.R.8134 by Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH).
The Restoring America’s leadership in Innovation Act is designed bring back Injunctive Relief, fix the “Abstract Idea” problem that renders future technology unpatentable in America, and to abolish the PTAB that is allowing Big Tech and foreign adversarial countries to destroy U.S. patent rights, restoring America’s leadership in innovation on a global scale.
Meeting With Legislators
Marking the ten year anniversary of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011, inventors, their families and supporters, gathered at the five U.S. Patent offices, as well as at one of Senator Leahy’s offices in Vermont, to spotlight the failures of the worst piece of patent-reform legislation in U.S. history. US Inventor, an inventor rights advocacy group, organized the rallies to bring attention to the fact that the once mighty U.S. Patent System is being destroyed and, with it, the American Dream. Read accounts of actual inventors dealing with the AIA/PTAB.
US Inventor sponsored a rally to:
The events were held on Friday October 25, 2019 at the Gaylord National Harbor, in Maryland, where the PTAB conducted the actual trial during the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) 2019 Annual Meeting.
US Inventor has also contributed pro bono litigation on behalf of Gene Luoma and Michael Kintner, and various other forms of assistance to numerous innovators and small businesses.
Shining the spotlight on PTAB Abuses
Marking the ten year anniversary of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011, inventors, their families and supporters, gathered at the five U.S. Patent offices, as well as at one of Senator Leahy’s offices in Vermont, to spotlight the failures of the worst piece of patent-reform legislation in U.S. history. US Inventor organized the rallies to bring attention to the fact that the once mighty U.S. Patent System is being destroyed and, with it, the American Dream. Read accounts of actual inventors dealing with the AIA/PTAB.
US Inventor sponsored a rally to:
The events were held on Friday October 25, 2019 at the Gaylord National Harbor, in Maryland, where the PTAB conducted the actual trial during the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) 2019 Annual Meeting.
US Inventor has also contributed pro bono litigation on behalf of Gene Luoma and Michael Kintner, and various other forms of assistance to numerous innovators and small businesses.