Historical Foundation - USPTO Expanding the Innovation Ecosphere - Small InventorThe mission of US Inventor is to restore your rights as an inventor. As stated in our Constitution, a US Patent should provide you the exclusive right to your invention. As you know, bad legislation and judicial decisions have made that no longer the case, resulting in widespread patent invalidation.

When we learned that the $2.3 trillion spending bill being proposed by Congress contained a proposal to expand patent invalidation of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), we sprang into action and enlisted your help to write and call legislators to educate them on this harmful proposal.

I am proud to say that, thanks to each of you, the nearly 5,600 page spending bill approved by Congress on Monday, December 21, contains no mention of the Covered Business Method (CBM) program of the PTAB.

This is a huge win!

As many of you know, the PTAB has been used by a multitude of multinational conglomerates to invalidate many of the patents held by our independent inventor members. This has caused immeasurable emotional and financial pain for our inventors and their families.

Now that the CBM program has been successfully defeated, there are two PTAB procedures that remain – Post Grant Review (PGR) and Inter Partes Review (IPR).

We will now be focusing on legislation and other actions to reform or eliminate the PTAB and other measures to restore the reliability of patents so that inventors can compete and bring their disruptive technologies to the market. Passage of the Inventor Rights Act is a big part of this effort.

We will update you shortly on what we are doing to achieve our mission and what you can do to help. For now, on behalf of all of us at US Inventor, we wish you and your families a safe and prosperous holiday season.

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