1. Stop the Cornyn PTAB Legislation by turning his base against it and thereby affecting other lawmakers.
2. Convert the Texas primary influencers and voters to support strong patent laws emboldening pro-patent lawmakers to drive favorable legislation.
3. Mobilize local inventors, startup executives, political groups, and others to engage with local party officials, state level lawmakers, and Congress to turn the conversation pro-patent.
4. Replicate the Texas campaign to infect other key Congressional races by turning their respective base against anti-patent legislation and showing USI activism back home with the end result of silencing anti-patent lawmakers and emboldening pro-patent lawmakers.
Getting actions from lawmakers requires delivering Money, Media and Votes. to lawmakers. Money and Media are controlled by multinationals thus not easily delivered. But Votes can be affected.
Texas has six lawmakers on Judiciary Committees.
1. Activism at a county level targeting the political base: county level political parties, state and federal level lawmakers, industry groups, etc.
2. One-on-one and group meetings for and against candidates and primary challenger supported by protests/rallies.
3. Communications and media campaigns amplifying and replicating the Texas results and influencing the Congress as a whole.
- Activism campaign like the proposed Texas Campaign in Iowa ended the PATENT Act (Innovation Act companion) and silenced Grassley.
- Activism campaign against Darrell Issa turned his base against him causing the closest election in Issa’s career. He abandoned the district in his next election.
- USI members burned patents on the steps of the USPTO opening the nomination of Iancu as USPTO Director.
- Numerous rallies and protests conducted at the Supreme Court, the USPTO main and regional offices, and home district lawmaker headquarters have changed the conversation.
- 60,000+ subscribers, including 10,000+ patented inventors.
- Stopped the Innovation Act and its Senate companion, the PATENT Act.
- Blocked Covered Business Method extension.
- Led 200+ constituent meetings with lawmakers.
- Drove effort to regulate PTAB.
- Intervened in big tech APA lawsuit against USPTO.
- Backed elimination of BRI and adoption of district court claim construction.
- 1,000+ public comments, dozens of amicus briefs, administrative actions, and lawsuits to drive the conversation and results.
- Hundreds of media interviews and mentions – Glenn Beck, Bloomberg, Law360,, IP Watchdog, Reuters, CSpan, Washington Examiner, WSJ, RealClearPolitics, and more.
patent pending
patent holder
initial license/investment/sales
moderate license/investment/sales; or
anticipated litigation
substantial license/investment/sales; or
past/pending litigation
strategic partner
BUDGET: $30K/Month
$20K – People: Activism, Advocacy, Networking, PR projects and Travel
$10K – Media and Communications: Placement, TV, Radio, Podcasts, Publications, Social Media and other Dissemination Channels
○ Targeted Campaigns for and against Incumbents and Primary Challengers.
○ Message Amplification locally and in Washington.
○ Content: Media, Videos, Articles, Handouts, Signs, Equipment, etc.
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US Inventor
PO Box 2273
Clearwater, FL 33757
Donate by Wire
Bank Name: Bank of America
Bank Street Address: 555 California St
City State Zip: San Francisco, CA 94104
Country: United States of America
Account Name: US Inventor
Bank Account Number: 3740 0090 0975
Wire Routing #: 026009593
Over 150+ current news/articles/topics on the US Inventor website. | ‘Contact Your Rep’ tool, to engage directly with Representatives. | Created the “In The Trenches With Inventors: The Battle to Save Patents” web-series. | Written dozens of letters and public comments, averaging over 100 signatures each. | Supported several inventors with strategic pro bono litigation. | Creation of a range of content from video to weekly mailers. | Helped push removal of Director Michelle Lee, Acting Director Joe Matal, Chief APJ David Ruschke, USPTO Solicitor Nathan Kelly. | Won appointment of Director Andrei Iancu. | Achieved updates to the Trial Practice Guide to reduce institution rates and deference to prior proceedings. | Lead party on more than 30 amicus briefs.
USI is a 501(c)(4) non-profit. Contributions are not tax deductible.* We rely on the generosity of donors and volunteers to help us educate, support and inspire inventors, and to advocate on behalf of inventors with lawmakers and others to pass legislation protecting inventor rights and strengthening the patent system. Your generosity is very much needed and very much appreciated.
* Contributions may be deductible as trade or business expenses, if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business. Check with your tax professional.