Bunch O Balloons Inventor Josh Malone on Newsmax TV

US Inventor Policy Director Josh Malone, the inventor of Bunch O Balloons, appeared on the popular NEWSMAX Save the Nation show on a special “Entrepreneurial Spirit” segment with Hannah-Catherine Smith, where they discuss the uniqueness of the innovation process in America, with its inherent benefits to society, and what has drastically changed.

Josh quit his corporate job in 2006 to strike out on his own in order to become an inventor, with the desire and drive to solve everyday problems. After several years he hit upon what became a Kickstarter funding campaign that went viral. He obtained his patent, took his product to market and his Bunch O Balloons product quickly became a global number one best-selling summer toy.

Unfortunately, as he explains on the show, legislation and court decisions that had been enacted since he entered the inventor’s world had started taking away constitutionally guaranteed inventor rights.

What “Josh, The Balloon Guy” discovered is that the Supreme Court and Congress had shifted our patent system to elitists and away from what our Founders had established; that any Citizen (“he, she, or they”) who discovered a new, useful technology were able to obtain and hold on to a patent.

Big Tech had captured control of the patent office by lobbying for the America Invents Act (AIA), legislation that harms inventors, where an administrative tribunal was created to revoke those patents. Prior to the AIA, he explains, “infringers used to face the inventor in an Article III Court with a jury” to decide but now the property infringers are able to take the dispute to the Executive Branch where that administrative tribunal strips patents away from the actual innovator.

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