PTAB, Patent Trolls, Bad Patents, and Data: A Wakeup Call to AIA Apologists

PTAB, PATENT TROLLS, BAD PATENTS, AND DATA: A WAKEUP CALL TO AIA APOLOGISTS PTAB, Patent Trolls, Bad Patents, and Data Since the PTAB declared two of my Bunch O Balloons patents obvious in an institution decision earlier this year, I have visited with many lawmakers and officials to describe my ordeal: six (6)

USI Statement on the Nomination of Andrei Iancu to be USPTO Director

USI STATEMENT ON THE NOMINATION OF ANDREI IANCU TO BE USPTO DIRECTOR    ALEXANDRIA, Va., August 29, 2017 – US Inventor President Paul Morinville released the following statement regarding President Trump’s nomination of Andrei Iancu to be Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: “I am cautiously optimistic about President Trump’s

USI’s Josh Malone speaks at the Federalist Society

USI'S JOSH MALONE SPEAKS AT THE FEDERALIST SOCIETY Josh Malone, Policy Director at US Inventor and the inventor and founder of Bunch O Balloons, appeared on the Regulatory Transparency Project, a Federalist Society podcast. In 2011, Congress created a new administrative tribunal in the U.S. Patent Office with the power to cancel

US Inventor sets patents on fire as part of PTAB protest at USPTO

US Inventor sets patents on fire as part of PTAB protest at USPTO On Friday, August 11th, inventor rights group US Inventor held an event at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office where the group honored excellence in high quality patent examination. US Inventor also staged a peaceful protest to raise issues surrounding high rates

US Inventor Rally

White Paper: Crisis in American Innovation US Inventor Rally - August 11, 2017 at USPTO in Alexandria, VA The United States Patent System is in critical condition. The last decade of court decisions, legislation, and management have left inventors without any real protection for their inventions. Many inventors are being

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