Our Mission
Our mission is to restore the ability of an inventor to stop the theft a patented invention, regardless of how powerful the corporation intent on taking it. This is the right inventors had that created the incentive to invent that caused America to lead the world in innovation for 200 years. This right has been significantly lost in recent years by ill-conceived legislation and judicial decisions. For those new to this issue, here is a concise explanation of what has happened. All of the activities of US Inventor are aligned to accomplish this mission.

US Inventor Is Born
Inventor and entrepreneur Paul Morinville‘s aspirations of achieving both the Inventor’s Dream and the American Dream were cut short by the America Invents Act of 2011 (AIA) and establishment of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), aka the “Patent Death Squad.” He has been advocating for Inventor Rights and changes to our U.S. Patent System to protect inventors since October, 2013.
US Inventor, a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation, was founded by Paul on March 17, 2015, to first put a stop to the Innovation Act. He was joined in his efforts by fellow inventor Randy Landreneau and others who knew this legislation would be of great benefit to Big Tech, multi-national corporations and China by providing even less protection to actual inventors. Through countless informational meetings with legislators, and other actions taken, the Innovation Act was defeated.

Our Work, Milestones and Accomplishments

Since that time, US Inventor has worked tirelessly to push through legislation and administrative changes to protect independent inventors and innovative small businesses and startups.
In 2016, US Inventor took to the streets to protest Congressman Darrell Issa (who helped push through the patent-killing AIA) and his views and actions on Intellectual Property policy.

Bringing National Attention To Inventor Rights

The Summer of 2017 was a busy time. US Inventor attended the 2017 Annual Independent Inventors Conference for inventors and entrepreneurs to learn more about intellectual property and incorporating it into business strategies.
When August hit, US Inventor sponsored a rally for inventors, practitioners, and examiners at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) headquarters on August 11, with the purpose to cure our Patent System. The event included 1) an invention conference hosted by the USPTO, 2) the US Inventor A1:8 Examiner awards, and 3) a peaceful assembly to call out the PTAB, that administrative tribunal responsible for destroying issued patents at an 84% rate of those they have reviewed. Read more about it on US Inventor.

Advocating Pro-Inventor Legislation

US Inventor supported the introduction of, and advocated for, the bipartisan Inventor Rights Act, H. R. 5478 by Representatives Danny K. Davis (D-IL) and Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (R-AZ), which had Representatives from both parties sponsor this bill on behalf of the inventors of America. The Inventor Rights Act was designed to take critical steps in strengthening U.S. patent rights, bringing justice for inventors, and promoting innovation, the very lifeblood of the American economy. US Inventor President Randy Landreneau and Policy Director Josh Malone visited Capitol Hill extensively meeting with various legislators.
Supporting PTAB-Invalidated Inventors, including Strategic Pro Bono Litigation
US Inventor sponsored a rally to: (a) support Zaxcom’s Glenn Sanders and Howard Stark (Emmy and Oscar Recipients & Inventors), during their PTAB trial and (b) generate awareness about the loss of Inventor Rights and the demise of our patent system. The events were held on Friday October 25, 2019 at the Gaylord National Harbor, in Maryland, where the PTAB conducted the actual trial during the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) 2019 Annual Meeting.
US Inventor has also contributed pro bono legislation on behalf of Gene Luoma and Michael Kintner, and various other forms of assistance to numerous innovators and small businesses.

Gene Luoma speaking with Josh Malone. Read Gene’s story.

Josh Malone and Michael Kintner at USPTO rally. Read Michaels’s story.
Producing Informative & Educational Content
What’s Wrong with the Patent System Today
Brief Overview – Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Gene Luoma – Zip-it Drain Cleaner
Ray Perkins and Eco Agro – Protecting the Environment
Shining the Spotlight on PTAB Abuses

Marking the ten year anniversary of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011, inventors, their families and supporters, gathered at the five U.S. Patent offices, as well as at one of Senator Leahy’s offices in Vermont, to spotlight the failures of the worst piece of patent-reform legislation in U.S. history. US Inventor, an inventor rights advocacy group, organized the rallies to bring attention to the fact that the once mighty U.S. Patent System is being destroyed and, with it, the American Dream. Read accounts of actual inventors dealing with the AIA/PTAB.

Fighting Anti-Inventor Legislation

Successfully blocked the Covered Business Method (CBM) extension.
Intervened in the Big Tech (Apple, Cisco, Google, and Intel) Administrative Procedure Act (APA) lawsuit against the USPTO.
Backed elimination of BRI (“Broadest Reasonable Interpretation”) and adoption of district court claim construction.
Stopped anti-inventor amendments being added to S.1260, the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 aka the Endless Frontier Act.
Widely Promoting Restoring Inventor Rights

Randy Landreneau interviewed on OAN’s Real America with Dan Ball
Josh’s Malone on NEWSMAX Save the Nation (starting at 53:35)
Randy Landreneau on The Michael Barry Show (starting at 62:25)
Pro America Report with Ed Martin interviews Josh Malone
The Arthrex fix is no fix at all – article by Paul Morinville
More media appearances by US Inventor
In The Trenches With Inventors Web Series
In each episode of the In the Trenches with Inventors: The Battle to Save Patents web series, brought to you by US Inventor, you will hear from actual independent Inventors as they tell us the ‘How & Why Their Patents Were Invalidated.’
These amazing Inventors share their stories with us first-hand. As you hear from each of them, you’ll be horrified, saddened and inspired.
As well, our series addresses some very basic Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) Myths, as well as many other issues inventors and innovative small businesses and startups face on a daily basis.
Meetings with Legislators

US Inventor Inc., a 501(c)(4) non-profit advocacy corporation, was founded to support the efforts of the independent “little guy” inventors and innovative small businesses and startups. We are proponents of “securing for limited times to … inventors the exclusive right to their … discoveries” in order to “promote the progress of Science and Useful arts.” (U.S. Constitution Article I, § 8, Clause 8). Over 70,000 strong including 10,000+ inventors.
Please join us and sign the Inventor Rights Resolution.